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Why did you select this image?

I selected this image because I thought it was pretty awesome. 


What specifically about it makes it a good representation of your photography?

That you can see the electricity in the light bulb. 


How does the editing contribute to it being one of your best?

I made the electricity stand out from everything else.  

Why did you select this image?

I picked this image because of the editing choice that I did the this image. 


What specifically about it makes it a good representation of your photography?

That I could change a sunset to look like a dark deep world. 


How does the editing contribute to it being one of your best?

I went above and beyond I made the clouds be darker this was a sunset.  

Why did you select this image?

I selected this image because of the rain drops stand out on the tulip since the rain was clear. 


What specifically about it makes it a good representation of your photography?

How you can take an image of a flower and make it total different like I did the color green. 


How does the editing contribute to it being one of your best?

I changed the tent of green so that the flower could stand out from all of the green. 

Why did you select this image?

That the flower is the vocal point. 


What specifically about it makes it a good representation of your photography?

Overall the flower is the vocal point and the editing to me is really good. 


How does the editing contribute to it being one of your best?

I did a color pop I changed the tent of the green and the yellow. So that it is looks old. 

Why did you select this image?

I picked this image because it is all real flowers from my house. 


What specifically about it makes it a good representation of your photography?

I wanted to show how its more than just putting pictures together you have to make than flow in a way. 


How does the editing contribute to it being one of your best?

One of the pictures in each row has a color pop that makes it stand out from the rest of them. 

Address your growth & development throughout the course. In looking back over your 3 portfolio sections, previous projects, what is one area you feel you have improved the most from Digital Photo I? What are you most proud of in terms of your work this quarter? Give a specific example (refer to a specific project). Discuss a project that you weren’t as pleased with and why (what you wish you would have done differently) Discuss your future plans for your photography.


I have improved in my style of editing since Digital 1 and how it is okay to branch out and try something new from everyone else. I am proud of my emphasis photo it could of gone worse meaning that it could've been burly and or not focused. I was not happy with  one of my take offs from  Photographer  Research I should've  planed it out better and not have forgotten to change the exposure on an image. My plans after high school are I really do not know but if I had to pick one it would be photography of families so I can capture their moments so they can keep them forever.  




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